C++ variadic template example

Kent - June 24, 2016

Complete example with variadic templates

This is the least viable and one of the most simple examples on how to use C++11 Variadic Templates. This sample has been tested with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and GCC 4.7.3.

The code is also available at Github

This example will use perfect forwarding with variadic templates to create a class wrapper around a structure, which again call the correct constructors in the structure.

//	VariadicTemplate.cpp:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>

struct SomeStruct
		std::cout << "SomeStruct()\n";

	SomeStruct(int a)
		std::cout << "SomeStruct(int a)\n";

	SomeStruct(const std::string & str)
		std::cout << "SomeStruct(const std::string & str)\n";

	SomeStruct(const std::string & str, int a)
		std::cout << 
			"SomeStruct(const std::string & str, int a)\n";


template<typename T>
class ClassWrapper
		typedef T					type;
		typedef std::unique_ptr<T>	type_ptr;
		typedef ClassWrapper<T>		this_type;

		template<typename ... Args>
		static type_ptr Create(Args&&...args)
			return type_ptr(
				new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)


int main(int args, char ** argv, char ** arge)
	// Create a typedef to safe typing
	typedef ClassWrapper<SomeStruct>	CWSS;

	// Exercise the different SomeStruct 
	// constructors (ctor) through ClassWrapper  
	auto p1 = CWSS::Create();
	auto p2 = CWSS::Create(123);
	auto p3 = CWSS::Create("string");
	auto p4 = CWSS::Create("string", 234);

	Output should be:
	SomeStruct(int a)
	SomeStruct(const std::string & str)
	SomeStruct(const std::string & str, int a)

	return 0;

See Also


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